Selasa, Oktober 09, 2012

DHCP Server Debian Linux

How to Configure DHCP Server on Debian Linux is what I will discuss in this article. DHCP server is a machine or a server that provides IP automatically to the client. So with the DHCP server then the client does not need to set the IP in such a way as it is set directly by the DHCP server. So let's get on with it to install and configure the DHCP server.
For setting the IP on debian on a post yesterday I mentioned that I now consider in passing only for IP address setting us straight to the stage of installation.

# Apt-get installs dhcp3-server

After the installation is successful, the next steps edit dhcpd.conf

# Nano / etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

Since I use the IP address to subnet and netmask is filled with class C. Then for the range of IP number to IP how will we love the client, make sure the first class.

Option domain-name-servers; = to point to the DNS server IP
Option domain-name ""; = to direct internal domain
Option routers; = gateway ip directed at
Option broadcast-address; = broadcast address
Default-lease-time 600; = default time allowed for borrowing IP
Max-lease-time 7200; = Maximum time allowed for borrowing IP

The next steps edit dhcp3-server to specify the Ethernet how are we going to give the DHCP server.

# Nano/etc/default/dhcp3-server

 Look at the INTERFACES = "eth0"

Means the client that we will give the client an IP automatically via Ethernet 0 or eth0. If it is then we immediately restart dhcp server.

# /Etc/init.d/dhcp3-server

Remember that each time restarting plans through folders init.d.